Hasiera Robota Kodetzea
3 urtetik gorakoak
Kodetze Kit
C.H.R.1.S. emandako argibideak jarraitzen ditu, aurrera, ezkerrera eta eskuinera nahi den helmuga bakoitzera iristeko. 3 joko maila, argi eta soinu blokeek eta zirrikituek errepide blokeek dibertsioa gehitzen dute.
Hasiera Robota Kodetzea is a great introduction to coding, as he moves with each command. He is totally controlled by you as you guide him on each travel adventure, while you are practising and learning some great logic and problem solving skills. The block sequence is basically programming your robot. You are telling him which way to move (literally putting the ideas in his head, or rather his helmet!).
Eskatzen du:
3 x AA bateria Roboterako
4 x AA bateria Kodetze Panelerako
(Bateriak ez daude barne)
Biltzen ditu:
â € ¢ C.H.R.1.S. Kodetze Robota
â € ¢ Kontrol-panela
â € ¢ 20 Kodetze Mugimendu Bloke
â € ¢ Roadblock Txartelak
â € ¢ 16 joko karta (2 aldetako karta)
â € ¢ Mapa (2 alde)
â € ¢ Argibideen eskuliburua