Deluxe Slot pisu multzoa
Gelsonlab HSPD-319A Educational Brass Deluxe Slot pisu multzoa with Rack, 8 Weightsarge Brass Weight Set
A large set of 8 slotted brass weights of varying size and gram amounts. Deluxe Slot pisu multzoa is useful for physics experiments in the classroom and indispensible for science teachers. Includes a handsome black horizontal hanger with a metal handle for carrying.
8 letoizko pisu zirrikituak
10 gramoko pisua
20 gramoko bi pisu
50 gramoko pisua
100 gramoko pisua
200 gramoko bi pisu
500 gramoko pisua
Esekigailu horizontala beltza, metalezko heldulekuarekin
7 urtetik gorakoentzat gomendatua.
Kutxaren neurria: 17,15 cm x 6,75 cm x 6,35 cm x 5,72 cm 2,25 in
Pisua: 2 lb 12 oz (1,22 kg)
12pcs beheko moduan ere egin daitezke:
12, 1-500g, 2-200g, 1-100g, 1-50g, 2-20g, 1-10g1-5g, 2-2g, 1-1g multzoa
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