
Loop The Loop Aparatua
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Loop The Loop Aparatua

Erakutsi energia potentziala energia zinetiko bihurtzen dela modu dibertigarri eta interesgarrian! Loop Loop Aparatuak zure ikasleei erronka diezaieke altzairuzko bola pistatik jaurti daitekeen gutxieneko altuera kalkulatzeko eta oraindik begizta osatzeko, pistarekin kontaktua hautsi gabe.


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Loop The Loop Aparatua

Gelsonlab  HSPD-085 Loop The Loop Aparatua Track Kinetic and Potential Energy Centrifugal track instrument                                                         

Demonstrate the transformation of potential energy into kinetic energy in a fun and interesting way! Loop The Loop Aparatua can challenge your students to calculate the minimum height that the steel ball can be rolled down the track and still complete the loop without breaking contact with the track.

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