Bibrazio Sorgailua
Gelsonlab HSPW-002 Bibrazio Sorgailua Portable oscillator
The Bibrazio Sorgailua gives mechanical oscillations when fed by signals from an oscillator/A.F. amplifier e.g. a Power Signal Generator. A special high temperature coil system enables the unit to be operated at its maximum rating for a prolonged period without damage due to overheating. The frequency response encompasses the whole of the audio spectrum and beyond. Electrical input is made via two 4mm sockets and the mechanical output is provided by a shaft terminating in a pair of clamping nuts.
â € ¢ Gehieneko gailurretik gailurrerako desplazamendua: 8 mm 1Hz-tan, maiztasuna handituz gero eta txikiagoa.
â € ¢ Maiztasun-tarte osoa: DC-ra 10kHz-ra.
â € ¢ Bobinaren inpedantzia: 3,5Î 50Hz-tan
â € ¢ Neurriak: 100 x 90 x 95 mm altuera.
â € ¢ Bibratzailea edozein posiziotan erabil daiteke, zutik edo estututa.
Bibrazio Sorgailua can be used in any position, free standing or clamped